SYSTEM, WW Gallery, London, 2013

SYSTEM, WW Gallery, London, 2013

The latest exhibition at WW Gallery is the culmination of a three month residency by the winner of the inaugural WW Solo award 2012.  The award run by WW Gallery aims to support emerging artists at whatever age.

Jonathan Gabb’s work explores the material potentials of painting by combining acrylic paint with PVA glue to form long strands, which are then hung together to create looping sculptural forms. The works are created in the space and therefore directly respond to the structure and light of the environment. Gabb’s work conjures up memories of other artist’s previous investigations into form and colour, such as Eva Hesse and Piet Mondrian, whilst presenting a clear sense of his own artistic statement. 

The works are intensely interdisciplinary with obvious influences from sculpture, painting and installation, but also drawing as each individual strand hung in the space could be viewed as a line. As the pieces are built in the gallery the use of lighting has been carefully considered. This gives each work an additional ethereal quality as shadows are cast underneath the piece showcasing each strand.

Colour plays an integral role in each work as light colours are carefully placed with darker colours to give a sense of space and perspective. Colour also gives the viewer a crucial role in the work. The strands of paint have a different colour on each side, so as the viewer walks round the piece the colour of each strand changes, and therefore, the work does too.

The work in this show combines influences from abstract art’s past with interdisciplinary investigations whilst making the work refreshing and playful. This is a small show but one I would urge anyone to go and see. 

Jessica Bunyard, mouthlondon, January 2013,

deep gum 8

deep gum 8